High School Preparation 2 - Pre Intermediate - Online

The High School Preparation Program (HSP) is designed to focus on developing both the English language ability of the student, as well as introducing the student to a Western-style academic culture that focus on independent learning and critical analysis. 

Learner characteristics: 

Any non English speaker aged 11 or over. Their language level is Pre Intermediate

Course requirements

In order to successfully complete a level in the course the student must complete the following: 

  • achieve 80% average on tests after 7 - 10 weeks in one level and 

  • complete Accelerate homework and 

  • attend class on a regular basis(80%) and 

  • participate actively(awake, attempt response to questions, participate in group/pair work, engaged actively and on - task) 


Online via ZOOM or TEAMS for 20 hours plus 5 hours independent study